If you want additional restrictions for your Blackboard tests, you can customize the test options. In this page, we explore the other test option settings and what kind of limitation is applied to your test if enabled.
Test Availability
Choose Yes to make the test immediately available to your students.
Choose No to hide this test in the content area from the students. When you’re ready to make it available, select the radio button for Yes.
You can set up your test for single, multiple, or for a specific number of attempts only. If selecting the checkbox for multiple attempts, you can choose to allow unlimited attempts or input a number for the attempts the student can do before it becomes unavailable for them to retake the test.
Score Attempt
If multiple attempts are enabled, you can choose which attempt would be displayed and calculated in the Grade Center.
- Last Graded attempt – use the last attempt’s grade
- Highest Grade – use the attempt with the highest grade
- Lowest Grade – use the attempt with the lowest grade
- First Graded attempt – use the grade for the first graded attempt
- Average of Graded attempts – use the average of all the score of all the student’s attempts for this test
Set Timer
You have the option of setting a timer for your test. Input the number of minutes you would like for students to complete the test.
Auto-Submit after timer ends
There’s an auto-submit option for setting up the timer.
Choosing OFF will let the student continue to take the test after the timer has expire, and it will be noted in the student’s test attempt details.
Choosing ON will save and submit the student’s attempt automatically after the timer expires, regardless of whether or not they finished the test before the timer ran out.
Date and Time Restrictions
You can limit the viewing and availability of a test to a specific date and time range. This allows the student to take the test, and review it should they choose to, only within the date and time parameters you set.
- a. Select the check boxes to enable the setting
- b. Choose a specific date by typing the date in the text box or selecting the date from the Calendar icon
- c. Choose a specific time by typing the time in the text box or selecting the time from the Clock icon
The Display After setting allows the test to be available only after this setting.
The Display Until setting will only make the test available until that date and time. The test is hidden and becomes unavailable for students to access after the set date and time.
Only students with the password can take the test.
Test Availability Exceptions
The exception list lets you provide additional settings to specific students or groups within the course.
- Set the number of attempts for that student/group to Single, Multiple, or Unlimited Attempts
- Set the Date and Time Availability of this test for that student/group.
Show Test Results and Feedback
These settings allow you to control what information the student sees after completing a test.
You can toggle the following settings:
A. When to display test results and feedback:
- After Submission
- One-time View
- On Specific Date
- After Due Date
- After Availability End Date
- After attempts are graded
B. What information to display after said event:
- Score per question
- Answers
- All answers (and/or)
- Correct answers
- Submitted answers
- Instructor Feedback
- Incorrect questions (Mark the questions that the student got wrong)
Test Presentation
This settings allows you to determine how to present the test questions to the students
- All at Once – present the entire test on one screen.
- One at a Time – present one question at a time.
- Prohibit Backtracking – prevent the student from changing the answer they chose for a previous question they already submitted.
- Randomize Questions – The test questions are randomized for each test attempt.