Course Messages for Students

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Creating and Using Course Messages

The Course Message Tool in Blackboard provides a secure environment for students and instructors to communicate in the Blackboard course shell.

While “Course Messages” appears similar to Email, it can only be used for communication within a specific online course.

  1. After logging in to Blackboard, go to the class you want to access by clicking on its name from the My Courses box.Blackboard My Home
  2. Inside your course, click on the Course Messages link found on the left side of the page.Course messages link
  3. Inbox and Sent folderYou are now in your Course Message System.

a. The Inbox link is where you will receive your Courses Messages from your instructor or classmates.

b. The Sent link is where the Courses Messages you sent is archived.

4. To send a Course Message to an instructor or classmate, click on the Create Message button.

Create Message

5. To compose a message, you will first need to select a person or persons to send the message to.

Course Message page

a. Click on the person you want to send a message to.

b. Click on the arrow to transfer the person’s name to the recipient’s box.

6. Give your course message a subject.

7. Type a message in the body text field.

8. Click Submit at the top or bottom of the page.

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