Creating Announcements

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  1. Annoucnements link in course menuIn Blackboard if your class opens to the Course Home Page you will need to add Announcements by clicking on the Announcement link that can be found in the Course Menu column on the left.
  2. Once the Announcements page opens click on the button that labeled Create Announcement.
    • Type in the subject of the Announcement.
    • In the Message box type in your Announcement.
    • To release the Announcement on a specific date, select Date Restricted.
    • Instructors can send a copy of the announcement to each student’s Campus Email.
    • Click Submit.
    • Go back to home page to see you your announcement looks to students.

    Create Announcement page

  3. When the instructor chooses to use the Announcements page as the landing page, what instructors need to do is click on Create Announcement. Then follow the directions for filling out the information regarding the Announcement. (found in step 2)

The announcements page as the landing page for your course