Where to Go for Support

If it becomes necessary for you to teach your class remotely, there are many opportunities for you to get help with Blackboard or any of the systems supported by the college.


You can use the college’s Helpdesk ticketing system to request help with Blackboard, Email, Self-Service, myDotte, or Office 365. You can call using the helpdesk phone number, 913-288-7179 (Press 1 for Online Education Services) or submit a ticket to thehelpdesk website. Log in using you KCKCC ID and password. If you cannot log in, you can submit an email to help@kckcc.edu. A technician will get back in touch with you as soon as possible.

Online Support FAQs

This blog contains an extensive collections of how-to documentation on a wide variety of issues related to being online.

For “How To” Guides on Blackboard, click here.

For “How to get started in Panopto“, click here. Once you connect to Panopto within Blackboard, click the Everything tab to see how to use the features of Panopto.

For getting started with Zoom, click here. You can add a zoom link to your Blackboard course in any content area to help your students find your Zoom virtual class.

For getting support from specific textbook publisher:


McGraw Hill

