Blackboard Notification Options


The notification system alerts you when events occur in your courses, such as when items are due, grades are available, new content and tests are made available, and when you have unread discussions and blogs.

The types of notifications that Blackboard Learn generates are:

  • announcement available
  • assignment submitted or assignment submitted late, for group assignments only
  • attempt edited
  • content item available
  • course available
  • gradable item, test, survey, or assignment due or past due
  • grade cleared – the attempt was removed from the Grade Center
  • item graded
  • test, survey, or assignment available
  • unread blogs, journals, and discussions
  • wiki attempts, for group wikis only

You can manage the notification settings for all of the courses you are enrolled in. From the global navigation menu, select Settings and then select Edit Notifications Settings.

Bb Global Navigation Menu screenshot

Edit Notification Settings

In the Edit Notification Settings page, you can change the notification settings for the following:

Edit Notification Settings Screenshot

A. Edit General Settings: Select your email format — individual messages for each notification or daily digest — and the reminder schedule for due dates.

Select General Notification Settings

Notifications General Settings Screenshot

On the General Settings page, you can choose to receive an email for each notification or a daily digest email that compiles all of the notifications for that day.

  • Individual Messages: Emails are sent for each notification. The exception to this is that the digest selection is necessary for email notifications for unread discussion board messages, unread blog posts, and unread journal entries.
  • Daily Email Digest: All notifications are collected and sent once per day at a time set by your institution.

Select Yes to set due date reminders for notifications. Set the number of days before the due date you want to be notified. This email reminder is sent as a digest email or as individual emails, depending upon the option you select.

Click Submit.

B. Edit Individual Course Settings: Change the notification settings for a single course.

C. Bulk Edit Notification Settings: Change the notification settings for all of your courses at once. You can select which notification types you want to receive and the method of delivery

Notification Delivery Methods

Notification Destination Settings

  1. On the Edit Notification Settings page, select the link for Courses I am taking or Courses I am teaching to change notification settings for all courses at once.Alternatively, you can make selections for individual courses by selecting a course name under Edit Individual Course Settings. The Current Notification Settings page appears and provides the same options.
  2. On the Change Settings page, check that your Notification Destinations are correct. If not, change them in your Personal Information.
  3. Under Settings, select how your notifications are delivered by selecting the check box at the top of a column or by selecting check boxes for individual tools or features. Remove the check mark for any notification that you do not wish to receive.
    • Dashboard – By default, all notification types appear in My Blackboard’s Updates and Posts pages and in course home pages. They also appear in the Notifications Dashboard if your institution licenses Community Engagement.
    • Email – email notification messages are sent to the email address you provided in your Personal Information.
    • Mobile: This column appears if your institution has enabled Blackboard Mobile Learn. Choose which push notifications you want to appear on your mobile device. Push notifications appear on your device’s screen without having to open the Blackboard Mobile Learn app. The notifications you can receive include:
      • Announcement Available
      • Content Item Available
      • Course or Organization Available
      • Item Graded
      • Test Available
      • Test Due
      • Test Overdue
    • SMS – This column appears if your institution has enabled this feature. A text message is sent to the phone number you provided in your Personal Information.
    • Text-to-Voice – This column appears if your institution has enabled this feature. A voice message is sent to the phone number you provided in your Personal Information.
  4. After making your notification selections, click Submit.

Email, mobile, SMS, and text-to-voice notifications are turned off by default. If you wish to receive notifications in these ways, you need to select them. If you do not see a column for a notification method, that option is not available at your institution.

For the following items, you can select email notifications only if daily digest email is selected in Edit General Settings. If you have not selected daily digest email, the selection box for these items is not available.

  • Unread discussion board messages
  • Unread blog posts
  • Unread journal entries

D. Edit Individual Organization Settings: Change the notification settings for a single organization.

(Source: Blackboard Help Student Notifications)