Online Education Services is sponsoring the following demonstrations from Instructional Technology vendors for Test Proctoring systems, and lecture capture similar to Tegrity.
Proctoring Systems
Date and Time: 11/13/2018 12:30-1:30
Location: Room 2703
Description: Proctors watch test-takers as they take their exams and review for any violations providing comments and issue flags to inform instructors of questionable actions. Flags are provided for both authentication and completion of the test. This information is passed back to the instructor for possible action.
Respondous Monitor
Date and Time: 11/28/2018 12:00-1:00
Location: 2152
Description: Respondous Monitor is a companion to the Respondous Lockdown Browser. The additional Respondous feature requires a webcam with video technology to address academic dishonesty.
Date and Time: 12/5/2018 1:00-2:00
Location: Room 2703
Smarter Proctoring offers a virtual testing center, virtual proctoring of online classes, in-person proctoring and automated proctoring. All features delivered in Blackboard.
Class Capture Software
Date and Time: 11/27/2018 1:00-2:00
Location: Room 2703
Description: VidGrid is a video capture tool that allows you to capture videos on any device, or any browser. It allows you to edit your videos with easy to use video editing tools. Instructors and students will be able to record and edit videos to share in classes, individuals or organizations.
Date and Time: 11/28/2018 12:30 – 1:30
Location: Room 2703
Description: Panopto is a robust easy to use video recording and streaming video tool. It also functions as a lecture capture and provides video captioning to meet federal accessibility requirements.