Available training sessions:
- Accessibility with Blackboard – Blackboard Ally easily helps instructors address accessibility issues in their courses.
- Adding Course Content to Blackboard – Learn how to Add Content to your Blackboard Course including files, webpages, embedded videos, Power Points, images and tests.
- Blackboard Grade Center – Keep your grades in an easy to access format for you and your students.
- Blackboard Help for Students and Faculty – Blackboard Support at Pioneer and TEC for instructors and students.
- Flipgrid: Social Learning Tool – FlipGrid is an exciting social learning tool that provides students a voice in their learning process.
- Lunch and Learn: Grade Center – Blackboard Support staff will remain onsite until 3:00 PM for additional support. Bring your own lunch.
- Panopto Class Capture Tool: Basic – Learn how to record lectures that are closed captioned, manage existing files, create video quizzes, and give students another alternative for a creative project with Panopto. Panopto is replacing Tegrity, providing more features for the 21st century learner.
- Panopto Class Capture Tool: Advanced – Learn how to record lectures that are closed captioned, manage existing files, create video quizzes, and give students another alternative for a creative project with Panopto. Panoto is replacing Tegrity, providing more features for the 21st century learner.
- Powtoon for Beginners – Create engaging, animated videos with a professional look using PowToons. Personalize your course content with PowToons
- Powtoons (Advanced) – Create engaging, animated videos with a professional look using PowToons. Personalize your course content with PowToons
- Respondus Lockdown Browser and Monitor – Learn to add Respondous Lockdown Browser and Monitor to secure online exams in classrooms or proctored environments. Respondous Lockdown Browser with Monitor provides additional security against cheating online with the use of a web-cam and industry premier video analytics.
- Zoom Webinar Tool – Learn how to use Zoom to provide a synchronous experience with your online students or to meet outside of class time for your face to face classes.
Some sessions are available via Zoom sessions for participants who are unable to be on campus to attend the training sessions.
To sign up, click the button below and fill out the form at the Training page. For questions, contact Becky Giger (bgiger@kckcc.edu, 913-288-7360)